CLB Council & Parent Group

Parent Council Meetings

Parent Council Meetings in Library

Wednesday September 13

Wednesday, November 15

Wednesday, January 17

Wednesday, March 13

Wednesday, May 8


All meetings are from 6:00pm to 7:00pm

School Council and Parents' Group

School Council and Parents’ Group

At Clover Bar Junior High, we believe that parent involvement is a critical factor in the educational achievements of our students. Our parents are active partners in education, whether they assist in the classroom, participate in the school council or support us at home. 

At Clover Bar, there are two parent groups: School Council and Parents’ Group. The Clover Bar School Council and Parents’ Group are legally two separate governing bodies who provide excellent support to the school. The School Council advises and provides input into school direction and activities such as the School Education Plan, transportation issues and our community. The Parents’ Group focuses on fundraising for such items as computer hardware, furniture, school beautification or other school projects. While these two bodies are separate entities, the same set of elected officers may run both groups and both meetings are held on the same evening. Both groups create and publish separate agendas and minutes and are regulated by different regulations. 

School Council and Parents’ Group are the elected parent volunteer groups who advise the principal and the school board respecting any matter relating to the school.  These councils are regulated by The School Councils Regulation (113/2016) and  School Council Guide (revised 2016). The School Council Guide provides information on the operation of school councils and on key topics of importance to school councils and other education stakeholders.  For more  information, please visit the Alberta Education website at:

In our school, the School Council and the Parents’ Group typically schedule 8 monthly meetings to discuss a variety of topics and share information.  Both meetings happen consecutively. We welcome all parents to join us!!